Monday 20 February 2017

Ancillary Products: Research - Magazine Review: Mood Board

For my second ancillary product I have decided to create a double page magazine review for my film. Therefore I have created a mood board, that will allow me to develop initial ideas for my own project. 

I have created a mood board featuring a variety of double page magazine film reviews. I have included reviews from a variety of different magazines and a range of different film genres, in order to decipher conventions that are used most commonly within magazine reviews. One feature that has been made apparent to me through this mood board is the use of a screen grab from the movie as the main image of the review. Along with this, the colours and fonts used have generally been chosen to coincide with the colours and tones of the main image. From this I can therefore determine that the key image is central to the the review page. This image provides an isight into the film as it displays the main protagonists and often provides an insight into the location of the film.

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