Saturday 22 October 2016

Planning: Makeup

Makeup is an important part of our film as we will need to make Molly (our actress) look younger or older depending on the scene we are shooting. This may also be necessary with our other actress, Nadia. Nadia will be playing the best friend of our protagonist and therefore they will have to look the same age in each scene.

For the scenes in which the characters are between the ages of 14 and 15, we will be using minimal makeup. Our aim for these scenes is to make the characters look youthful and innocent. Therefore we will attempt to make their faces look radiant and young with foundation, blush and mascara.  The image below demonstrates the effect that we will be trying to achieve.

For the scenes in which the characters are 17 or older, we will be creating a more dramatic look. We will use heavier makeup such as eyeshadow, eyeliner and contouring powders to achieve this. By using techniques such as these we will be able to make the girls look older and more sophisticated. Again, the picture below demonstrates the look we will be trying to achieve.

Overall, the makeup looks we plan to create will be fairly natural. We do not intend to use any theatrical makeup in our film as this would be out of place in the realistic atmosphere that we are trying to create.

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