Sunday, 19 March 2017

Ancillary Research: Target Audience Feedback

 Poster 1:

Poster 2:

Questionnaire Results:

1. Which poster draws you eye more?

Poster 1: ||
Poster 2: |||

2. Which design looks the most professional?

Poster 1: |
Poster 2: ||||

What improvements would you suggest for both posters?

Poster 1:
1. 'A lighter font for the quotes'.
2. 'A clearer font for the credits'.
3. 'The tagline could be bolder'.

Poster 2:
1. 'You could include an age rating and release date'.
2. 'It needs credits and an age rating'.
3. 'You could add some more colours as it is quite monotone'.

From the feedback I have received, I can conclude that my second poster is my most successful design. Therefore this is the poster I will be improving upon and adding further details to. Feedback from my target audience has suggested that I could make the design more eye-catching as only 60% of my focus group believed that this design drew their attention the most. To achieve this I will be using the feedback I received and adding more colour to my poster. I will also be including credits, a release date and age rating.

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