Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Planning: Initial Ideas, Pitch Reflection

We conducted a presentation in which we pitched our three initial ideas to members of our target audience. We received valuable feedback during our pitch that has ultimately helped in deciding which idea we will be moving forward with. The most positive response was seemingly for our first idea; a short film about a teenage girl growing up/ coming of age. When asked at the end of the session, which idea do you like best, we had a unanimous response of the first one. We also acquired some interesting points on how we could further develop and improve upon our idea.

The group liked the idea of the voice over. However, they highlighted potential issues that we could encounter with our monologue, such as it's overall length. We agreed that it would be best if the voice over was intercepted at intervals with music and images that visually support what the character is saying. They also suggested that we could perhaps include three different voices, representing different stages in the characters life; a child, a teenager and an adult. We will be taking all of these responses into consideration when choosing our final idea and storyline.

We also received feedback as to the visual aspects of the film along with possible scenes that we could include. The group said that they liked the idea of the character arguing with her parents, but brought up the issue of finding actors. This is something that we will have to take into consideration as the protagonist we will be interacting we other people throughout the film and therefore we need to make sure that we are able to find actors for each role. They also offered ideas as to possible scenes that we could include. One idea was to feature the character experiencing her first day of secondary school. We then explained that we hoped to be using the same actress for the whole film, and use props and makeup to make her look either older or younger. They therefore suggested using distorted shots, for example just the back of a young girls head to represent her as a child. They also suggested using home footage of the character as child. Again we will take all of these points into consideration when planning our final product.

The audience was less enthusiastic about our other two ideas. The group believed that our final idea could be repetitive and limiting with camera shots. Due to this we will likely run with out first idea. However, we did receive feedback on how we cold combine elements of our other two ideas into our final product in order to improve it. For example, they suggested that we could use the graphic match editing styles that we planned to use in our music video idea, in our first short film.

Taking all of this feedback into consideration it is likely that we will choose our first pitch. However we will be making adjustments and improvements according to the feedback we have received.

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