From the three ideas we have developed, we have decided that we are going to run with the first storyline of a girl growing up. We feel that this idea will allow the most room for interesting camera work, editing and narrative techniques. We also feel that this idea would be most conventional to our chosen genre.
Within this narrative we will include techniques such as voice over and flashbacks/ montaging. This will allow us to develop our creative skills in planning and script writing. Along with this we will also be able to use skills in editing and post production. As our film is a collection of events that will run alongside a reflective monologue, we will have to take care in making sure that the visual elements of our film run smoothly with what the character is saying in the voice over. Also we will have to include interesting camera work in our production. As our film is required to have a duration of 5 minutes, we will need to make sure that the film is visually interesting, and therefore unique and creative camera work is a necessity.
Mis en scene will also be important in our film. We plan to use the same actress throughout the filming process and therefore we will have to make sure the character's environment matches her age. For example, if we are portraying her as a 15 year old in her bedroom, then later as an 18 year old in the same setting, we will have make adjustments to the bedroom in order to create a sense of realism. Costuming and makeup will also be important, as we will also use these to portray the character's age.
Therefore, overall this idea will allow us to demonstrate a variety of skills and in the end produce a film that is both compelling and visually interesting. With this film we will target an audience of girls between the ages of 15 to 21. We feel that this audience will connect the most to our storyline as the younger age groups will identify with the character in her younger years, whereas older age groups will relate more with the reflective tone of the voice over narration.
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